Yoga + Mental Health

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month we are sharing some tips and resources for anyone out there looking to improve their mental health.

We sat down with Annie Pilié (Pulseology Trainer and PRC Employee) to talk a little bit about the benefits of Yoga on your mental health.

“As much as we tend to focus on physical goals and performance, a huge aspect of our overall well-being is mental health.”

“As a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and fitness professional I am an advocate for health and wellness. As much as we tend to focus on physical goals and performance, a huge aspect of our overall well-being is mental health. The most effective way I have found for my clients and for myself are ways to intertwine the two. Yoga and Pilates practice provides the perfect balance.”

”Taking time for ourselves away from our busy lives to be fully and completely present is the greatest form of self care. Time on the mat is time off of your phone, away from the outside world and distractions. Time to focus on your breath, moving your body, and to calm your mind. This provides decreased stress levels, lower anxiety and depression, improved sleep quality, and increased endorphins.”

“Taking time for ourselves away from our busy lives to be fully and completely present is the greatest form of self care.”

”For those of us who struggle with mental health, it is important we are proactively finding ways to provide relief and healthy coping strategies.”

”Pilates and yoga practice are just that, the perfect ritual to increase our quality of life!”


Keri Straughn